Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Top 10 inventions of November 2009

Here is a list of the top 10 invention of November 2009.

  1. Green battery – by scientists from Technion-Israel institute of science
  2. Space suite that fits everyone – by University of Maryland Scientists
  3. Gibson self-tuning electric guitar – by Gibson
  4. Brain chip that allows controlling a PC – by Intel
  5. Extra thin solar cells – by Sanyo
  6. Muscle suit that lifts heavy load - by University of Science Obayashi Laboratory
  7. Camera for the blind – by Designer Nadeem Haidary
  8. Small robots created to monitor the ocean – by Researchers from the UC San Diego
  9. Durable DVD – by CranBery LLC
  10. Spray on solar ink – by University of Texas Researchers

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Polluting pets

According to the new studies man’s best friend the pets are the environments worst enemies. The study said that the paw prints of the dog are double the times more than a gas guzzling than a utility vehicle.

But the exposure in the book "Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living" by New Zealanders Robert and Brenda Vale has exasperated pet owners.

Specialist in sustainable living Mr. Vales have analyzed that a medium sized dog eats about 360 pounds of meat and 95 kg of cereals a year. The dog can make a annual foot print of about 2.07 acres around twice the 4*4 driving which includes the energy in building the car.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fast Food Can Make You Dumb

Oxford university researches have found that consuming lot of burgers, kebabs, chips and other high fat foods can make a person less intelligent. The test was done on the rat and the result showed that the high fat foods take about 10 days to damage the short term memory and have a negative effect on the mental capacity. This also reduces the ability to exercise.

The result has further said that the things we eat will have a significant effect on the performance of our body. The rats that were given the high calorie foods were found to be growing larger and they heart started to work harder.
When the scientist analyzed the reason for the upcoming problem they found that there was a increase in the uncoupling protein 3. This was the main reason why the muscle used less oxygen.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Breed Video Challenge

Here is the video I enjoyed the most while listening to it, it is really interesting and nice to hear.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bill Gates

Bill gates owner of Microsoft Corporation came from a family of high-spirited liveliness and entrepreneurship. Original name of bill gates was William Henry gate III. He was a Seattle and born on 28 October 1955 in Washington. His father was a Seattle attorney and his mother was a schoolteacher. His father’s name was William H. Gates II and his mother’s name was Mary Gates. His mother was not only a schoolteacher she was also chairperson in United Way International.

Early Life of Bill Gates

At the age of thirteen, Bill gates started to programming in computers and in 1973, he was a student at Harvard University. During his college time, he wrote a version for the programming language BASIC for MITS Altair Microcomputer.
As a teenage Bill gates along with Paul Allen ran a small company named TRaf-O-Data and sold computers in the city of Seattle.

Bill Gates and Microsoft

Before graduation Bill gates moved from Harvard and joined with his friend Paul Allen to form Microsoft Company in 1975. Their company became world famous for their operating system and for killer business deals.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Humor - Pretty Important at Workplace

Latest research show that humor or making fun about the things related to job helps to improve the creative thing in the jobs.
A researcher from the Missouri-Columbia university named Chris Robert has proved the humor with the co-workers has created a positive and right atmosphere in the workspace. He also says that little humor in the workplace will not interfere in the organizations competition.

The topic is not related to workers who clown at a place and have fun. It is all about have a good joke at the right time will definitely improves the unified among the workers and the workplace. It also helps to improve the quality of communication among the workers.

The ability to appreciate humor and to laugh helps to improve the physiological effect on humans and make them experience the positive emotions.
So feel free to make jokes to improve yourself and also help your colleagues to improve them.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leonardo da Vinci

The immense scope of Leonardo da Vinci's accomplishments was the impetus for the term "Renaissance Man," becoming part of everyday language. His achievements and interests spanned the arts and sciences to an extent unequalled in known history.

Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452, near the town of Vinci, close to Florence, Italy. He became an apprentice to Andrea Verrocchio, a Renaissance master, when he was only 17 years old and began his artistic career.

His innovations in the field of painting influenced Italian art for more than a century after his death. Among his most well known works are the Adoration of the Magi, Leda and the Swan, the Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper. As was common at the time, most of his paintings had religious themes.

Leonardo also developed an intense interest in nonartistic subjects. He worked as a civil and military engineer and mapmaker for Cesare Borgia, where he applied his growing knowledge of mechanics.

He immersed himself in fields as diverse as anatomy, biology, mathematics, and physics. His scientific studies—particularly in the fields of anatomy, optics, and hydraulics—anticipated many of the developments of modern science. His scientific theories, like his artistic innovations, were based on careful observation and precise documentation, and he understood the importance of precision in science. His interest in anatomy led him to perform dissections, and he studied blood circulation and the action of the eye. He systematically studied the flight of birds, which he applied in his drawings and discussions of ornithopters and other flying crafts. His flying devices, although impracticable, embodied sound principles of aerodynamics.

Leonardo made discoveries in meteorology and geology, learned the effect of the moon on the tides, foreshadowed modern theories of the formation of continents, and deduced the nature of fossil shells. He was among the originators of the science of hydraulics and probably devised the hydrometer. He invented a large number of potentially useful and ingenious machines and devices, among them an underwater diving suit.

Unfortunately, many of his scientific projects and treatises were never completed. He recorded his technical notes and sketches in numerous notebooks that made up the Codex Atlanticus. But his practice of using mirror script (his writing had to be read in a mirror to be deciphered) contributed to his discoveries and observations remaining unread and undisseminated for centuries after his death.

Leonardo died at the age of 67 on May 2, 1519, at Cloux, near Amboise, France.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why study computer science?

Computer Science is an exciting, growing, challenging field that has impact in most aspects of everyday life. These areas include medicine, communications, auotomotive technology, weather forcasting, entertainment, mining, pharmacology, forensics, manufacturing, disaster recovery, security, law, business. For practically any area you can think of there is an application of computer technology. Yet there are still many new computer applications to be discovered and implemented in that area, and you could be involved in that exciting endeavor and service to humanity.

Now for practicalities: Computer science graduates are still some of the most sought-after graduates and earn among the highest salaries right out of college. So while the news talks about how some of the routine jobs have gone “off shore”, there is still ample opportunity for talented computer science majors.

What also is valued by our graduates’ employers is all the problem solving skills and analytical abilities they developed in studying computer science. These skills also prove valuable to many areas of endeavor, and, in fact, a significant number of our CS graduates bring those skills to medical school or other professional schools.

Growing Fields Related to Computer Science

Security Analysis

Face recognition; email patterns; finding odd behavior in a crowd; breaking codes: issues that would be addressed by a computer scientist interested in security. One of our graduates just got a full scholarship and a very nice stipend to study this area in graduate school.


A good field for someone with an additional interest in biology or chemistry. Analyzing gene sequence data to search disease markers, for example, requires sophisticated computer algorithms, large databases, and massive computer power. One of our graduates recently landed a job working with the Washington University Humane Genome project program.

Game Programming

Games have surpassed movies in income production. One of our faculty has been involved in commercial game production and brings that expertise to his software engineering course, where there is a semester long group project developing a game. Recently a friend of his, who is president of a subsidiary of Pixar, gave a talk on game production to the math/CS club.


Artificial intelligence is used to build expert systems that make diagnoses or check for drug interactions. Medical imaging requires complicated image processing. Three dimensional visualization, like the NLM's visible human project, requires graphics and intense computing power. Mapping the brain's response to stimuli is powered by computer simulations. One of our graduates who works at the SLU medical school in brain research says “it’s all about programming and mathematics.”


This is a huge field and will remain a big employer. Issues that are adressed here include networking, data encoding and encryption, wireless technology, and much more.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nail Art

Nail art is one of craziest item in manicure for women. Many brides love doing manicure and spend time happily in painting it. Now the trend has changed as decorating the nail with art than just polishing. Mostly the manicure with nail art are done on long nails, that is how long the nail length is you will get more canvas to paint on. And each nail has art affixed to or painted on it. But it is also possible that you could wear nail art on short nails and this is mainly done during bridal make-ups, and also we can keep it simple with just one enhanced nail.

It’s a good place to start if you're new to nail art. You can experiment with one nail before you get a full set of decorated fingernails.

Round pink nail tips with a silver glitter line and small flower stickers. This type of line at the end of the nail bed is a popular alternative French Manicure style. It is also fairly easy to do yourself because you can do it freehand without a guide. Nail art stickers in a lot of nail art designs are applied to each nail but alternating fingernails looks fine, too

You can learn yourself in detail by seeing this video

Monday, September 7, 2009

Buying Gold For Investing

When buying gold and gold ornaments we should first check for purity of the metal. A perfect gold metal will be 24 carrot that is 100 percent. But the gold ornaments can be mixed with other metals like copper in a less fraction.

Many jewelry shops may provide you with 916 kdm jewelry. In case do not forget to collect your guarantee card from the vendor. Likely it is advised to avoid investing on gold ornaments but investing on gold coins is very costly and effective.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Care Before generous management tasks

It is not enough for people to have guidance latent; they have to have temperament and the right surroundings in which to grow. Before I give a star significant leadership responsibility,

I find it ready to lend a hand to ask in my opinion several questions:

1. What will this individual do to like? It is nice to liked, but as a leader, it cannot be the scheming factor. The cause is required to be the most important motivator.

2. Does this individual have a negative weakness? There only two possessions you need to know about you: your productive strength and any destructive weakness.

3. Can you provide this person the location to succeed? It is so main, particularly in the in the early hours days of someone's headship, that he or she be put into a congenial environment. Young leaders need surroundings in which they can deliberate on leading.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Poor communication speaker

If your speech is full of ums, ers and ahs and feeling ashamed of it. And do you think that this behavior of yours make the listeners mad. Don’t feel dishearten this behavior of yours make you the memorable speaker says the latest scientific research.

This behavior is often described as a poor communication. This disfluency slows down our speech making the listener to better understand and pay more attention.

Stirling and Edinburgh university scientists invited volunteers to listen to a number of statements that include disfluencies sentences. And the scientist conducted a series of test to find out how well the volunteers have understood the statements.

It twisted out that the ers inserted into the sentences had a momentous effect on the knack of the subjects to remember the information. After hearing typical sentences with inserted disfluencies, the volunteers got 62 per cent of words correct compared to 55 per cent for sentences with no trip over.

The disfluency becomes a useful break to the expected practice of things says Dr. Martin Corley. He also said that “It’s better to pay attention now, because what I expected was going to happen is in fact not going to happen” this is same as if we are saying to ourselves.

Till now politicians, broadcasters, lawyers and other speakers try to avoid this type of disfluencies from their speech. But now they might find that their ums may be judged as a part of clear communication.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New rodent eating plant

The British botanists in Philippines discovered a carnivorous plant. This plant eats rats and insects. This meat eating plant was discovered in Mount Victoria and is named as Nepenthes attenboroughii.

To catch the insects and rodents the plant produces traps. And also has acid filled digestive enzymes to dissolve its prey.

The discoverers believe that only few hundred of the plants exist in the world.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Animated china expo

Mona Lisa is a 16th century portrayal painted in oil on a poplar section by Leonardo Vinci during the Italian resurgence. The 'Mona Lisa,' Vinci's portrayal of a woman, is largely livelier these days. In Beijing, she talks and impression to visitors, but as soon as it comes to that smile, her lips are still sealed.

An innovative show signs of at the development Exhibition Hall in Beijing, China take archetypal works of art and animates those using 3-D graphics and sound-recognition knowledge. The 'Mona Lisa' is not the only fixation imminent to life inside these frames. The show sign includes with Jesus and his disciples interacting at the famous table, Raphael's 'School of Athens,' and smooth an earliest Egyptian wall painting.

While art critics might claim Leonardo is rolling over in his grave, there is something exciting about seeing these works come to life. Besides, the exhibit is in an expo hall.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

H1N1 virus

H1N1 flu is a respiratory disease caused by the type A virus in the pig. This is also known as swine flu. This was first diagnosed in April 2009. It is named as swine flu because many genes in this virus are same as the pig influenza virus.


The symptoms for this flu are listed below. If you find any one of them has affected immediately consult a doctor.

3.runny nose or stuffy nose
4.sore throat
5.body aches
8.fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme
9.diarrhea and vomiting

serious symptoms of this disease are respiratory failure and inflammation of the lungs.

With ordinary flu babies and elderly people, and people suffering from chronic medical problems are at a high risk. But in the case of swine flu this is little different. Pregnant women, people suffering from chronic health problems (lung disease, asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease), children and adults suffering from obesity are at a high risk.

The following are the serious swine flu symptoms that a child can suffer. If you find your child suffering from this immediately avoid your children contact with other people and take them for urgent treatment.

  • Fast breathing or trouble breathing

  • Bluish or gray skin color

  • Not drinking enough fluids

  • Severe or constant vomiting

  • Not waking up and not interacting

  • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return again

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 6th and 9th

Remember the atomic bomb blast on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the 2nd world war (1945). It was 65 years ago this heartless attack was made on the innocent people of those two countries. Those bombs were dropped by the US armed forces at the end of the Second World War. The united planned the first bomb drop on Hiroshima and the second was planned on the Nagasaki city. In these two attacks the human race met a great decrease in the population. Around 220000 citizens of both countries were killed.

The effects of the nuclear weapon still prevail in the lands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Lands lost their fertility and the humans are affected by many diseases. So every year these two days are remembered to highlight the necessity of achieving the world that is free from nuclear weapons.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monkey face piglet

At the Fengzhang village, Xiping Township in china people was so curious to see that strange creature. It was hideous. It can also be a miracle that piglets with a monkey face. This strange creature was a new born along with the five newborns of a sow.

The piglet just looked like a monkey. It had two thin lips, small nose and big eyes. The rear legs were much longer than its forelegs. Because of this it jumped and was not able to walk. It was so scary and frightened the people who looked at it. A small loved it the most and played with. He also fed the strange animal with milk.

But the amazing question was that the creature will walk on the ground or will climb the trees as it becomes an adult. The people have planned to observe it closely and to keep track of its changes.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Lakhsadweep corals threatened by global warming

The hard corals of porities are found in abundance in the blue of Lakshadweep Islands. Today these corals are facing a threat to their existence.

The growth of these corals has been destroying by the high co2 level in the air called global warming. The threat have gone to the existence that if the global warming is going to continue the corals would disappear from the earth for ever.

An observation made between 1993 and 2003 says that around 25 percent decrease in the growth rate of two hard corals was observed. Preliminary results of further studies indicate a similar pattern of growth retardation in the same species.

Around 1920 to 1992, the porites corals seem to grow by 2 cm every year. But today the growth rate decreased to 1.25 cm per year. The coral has been reduced since 1993. This is because of the climatic change as there is an increase in co2 levels and a rise in temperature lead to acidification of the ocean.

While the decrease in the growth of hard corals in Lakshadweep was around 25 percent, studies carried out on similar corals in the great barrier reed in Australia revealed it to be about 14 percent. The result of the observations clearly showed that the monsoon driven up-welling had decreased considerably during the 20th century.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Online population growth

By 2013, 2.2 billion worldwide users are expected to use the internet and India would be ranked the 3rd in online population. Online people around the world would grow more than 45 percent to 2.2 billion users by 2013. Asia will continue to be the biggest user of internet. India is ranked third with china and US taking the first two ranks. Accordingly they were 1.5 billion users in 2008 around the globe. The average annual growth for the use of internet would increase to 10 to 20 percent in the next five years. 43 percent of internet users are anticipated from Asia within next 4 years. Where china would have the half of the population of internet usage in Asia.

Whereas Asia grows in its online population, North America faces a defeat in this global online population. This population would drop to about 17 percent to 13 percent between 2008 and 2013 while Europe population will shrink from 26 to 22 percent. While Asia will have a rise from 38 to 43 percent. Whereas Latin America remains the same at 11 percent of the global users.

It is also declared that Asian countries like India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Philippines face a rapid online growth rate.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Virus from pig

A virus from the pig that is highly infectious causes swine flu. This virus is communicable and can travel from human to human. When a human is affected by this virus the symptoms are similar to other regular bugs. They are fever, cough, sore throat, body ached, headaches, chills and fatigue. To be preventive or to treat swine flu antiviral medicines are available. But no vaccines have been produced right now to protect against from this bug. But researches are going on. So to be careful from this kind of bugs we should restrict ourselves to the following things.

When you sneeze or cough cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. Avoid using hanky or any type of cloth since you may keep them in your hand for a long time. So use only tissue and throw it in the litter after use.

Wash your hands with soap and water after you cough or sneeze. This prevents the spread of germs when you touch others or some place. Alcohol based hand cleaners can also be used.

Avoid frequent touch of your nose, eyes, or mouth, because germs spread this way. Close contact with the sick people should be avoided; it is good for us and for them. Stay in the home when you feel sick. This is highly recommended because you feel much better in home than anywhere else.

All the best! Live a happy and healthy life…

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Do parents eating habit affect children?

This information when I read gave me a shock, but was little surprising.

As experts suggested that parents eating habits don’t seem to influence their children’s food choices. The dietary intake between the parents and children is weak. A research made on this reveals that:

Parents who ate a healthier diet were three times more likely to have a healthy diet compared to those parents who did not have a very healthy diet.

Overall, the food intake of nearly 5,000 persons were considered out of which 1061 were fathers, 1230 mothers, 1370 sons and 1322 daughters. The researchers compared intake and assessed diet quality based on USDA (U.S. department of agriculture) healthy eating index score. A perfect score is 100 and index takes into account a person’s intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, meat, beans, oil, fat and sodium. The average score obtained was about 48 to 50. But the score of above 80 seems to be a good diet according to USDA. Only 10 per cent got a score greater than 80 according to USDA.

So what should parents do? They can talk about how they choose meat and how they decide which dairy foods to buy with the children. And also can help them to cook healthy foods too. Parents should eat healthier and encourage their children to follow similar habits.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Languages expressing yourself

Language is human speech, either written or spoken. It is the most common system of communication. People talk with each other and express their thoughts and ideas with the help of languages. Language comes from the Latin word lingua meaning tongue. There is a language for every human society.

Excluding local forms of a language there are about 6,000 languages spoken in the world. This is the fact given by the scholars and experts who study about the languages.

Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Malay-Indonesia, mandarin Marathi, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Vietnamese and wu have over 50 million speakers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Six ways to prevent poultry and bird diseases

  1. Keep your distance:

    1. Restrict access to your property and your birds.

    2. Consider fencing off the areas where you keep your birds and make a barrier area if possible. Allow only people who take care of your birds to come into contact with them.

    3. If visitors have birds of their own, do not let them near your birds.

    4. Game birds and migratory waterfowl should not have contact with your flock because they carry germs and diseases.

  2. Keep it clean

    1. Wear clean clothes. Scrub your shoes with disinfectant.

    2. Wash your hands thoroughly before entering your bird area

    3. Clean cages and change food and water daily.

    4. Clean and disinfect equipment that comes in contact with your birds or their droppings, including cages and tools.

    5. Remove manure before disinfecting.

    6. Properly dispose of dead birds.

  3. Don’t Haul Disease Home:

    1. If you have been near other bird owners, such as at a feed store, pet store or bird club meeting, clean and disinfect your clothing, shoes, and other bird items, and clean and disinfect car and truck tires, poultry cages and equipment before going home.

    2. Have your birds been to a fair or exhibition? If so, keep them separated from the rest of your flock for atleast two weeks from the event.

    3. When buying a pet, request certification from the bird seller that the bird was legally imported and was healthy prior to to shipment.

  4. Don’t borrow disease from your neighbor:

    1. Do not share lawn and garden equipment, tools, or poultry supplies with your neighbors or other bird owners.

    2. If you do bring these items home, clean and disinfect them before they reach your property.

    3. Avoid visiting terms or households with poultry, particularly if the birds are housed outside.

  5. Know the warning signs of infectious bird diseases:

    1. Sudden increase in bird deaths in your flock.

    2. Sneezing, gasping for air, coughing, and nasal discharge.

    3. Watery and green diarrhea.

    4. Lack of energy and poor appetite.

    5. Drop in egg production or soft or thin shelled misshapen eggs.

    6. Swelling around the eyes, neck and head.

    7. Purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Water Chestnut

Hailing from Southeast Asia, water chestnuts are actually roots of an aquatic plant that grows in freshwater ponds, marshes, lakes, and in slow-moving rivers and streams. These roots are commonly grown in Japan, Taiwan, China, Thailand, and sometimes in Australia. Water chestnut harvesting is laborious, making them somewhat expensive to purchase. Processed and canned water chestnuts widely found in most supermarkets. However, fresh water chestnuts, are more difficult to find, but are becoming more available.

If you find fresh water chestnuts, select those that are firm with no signs of wrinkling. These will need to be peeled prior to eating and cooking. Stored fresh tubers need to be wrapped tightly in a plastic bag for up to one week.

Canned, unopened water chestnuts will store indefinitely. Once opened, canned tubers will keep up to one week in a bowl of water. Be sure to change the water daily for the ‘freshest’ product.


The taro root, as with other tubers is recognized by other names. This tuber is also known as dasheen, eddo and kalo in many areas of the world including West Africa, Asia, Central America, South America and the Caribbean and Polynesian islands. This root is most well-known as the ingredient of the Hawaiian dish "poi," or mashed taro root.

Taro root is a starchy vegetable that is commonly used in place of a potato. Its hairy outer coating on its surface is similar to a coconut. The hairy outer layer is always removed with caution since skin irritation can arise caused by the juices secreted by the taro root. It is recommended to use protective rubber gloves when handling this tuber. Taro root is toxic in its raw form so always cook it before eating.

These tubers take on a nut-like flavor when cooked. Frying, baking, roasting, boiling, or steaming them as an accompaniment to meat dishes are all common uses. Soups and stews are other dishes that taro root suits well.

Select tubers that are firm, hairy, with no wrinkling. Store the roots for up to one week in a cool and dry location, making sure that the roots do not dry out.

Dried Fruit

Drying is the oldest method of preserving food. The first European settlers in America often ate dried corn, apple, currants, grapes and meat. Sun drying of food was an easy way to prolong the life of food, but this form of dried food was different from what is available today. In different climates, the food dried differently because complete sun drying is dependent on very particular weather conditions. Drying eliminates moisture from the food resulting in a longer food life. Organisms that make food spoil require moisture to survive, so foods that have been completely dried have the longest life.

The methods of drying food, particularly fruits and vegetables, have become more sophisticated over time. The three most common methods used today are briefly described below:

* Solar: Solar dehydration of food requires 3 to 5 consecutive days of 95 degrees or above and low humidity. This climate is found only in limited areas in the United States.
* Oven: Foods are dried using a household kitchen oven. This method can be expensive as many hours are normally required to dry food. Oven dried foods are often times darker and more brittle than foods dried by other methods. This method is often suggested for first time dryers, as very little new equipment is required for this method.
* Dehydrator: This type of drying produces the highest quality product. An electric dehydrator may be purchased and various sizes and levels of quality are generally available.

Dried fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and carbohydrates and low in fat. However, dried foods are more calorically dense than their fresh counterparts. The recommended serving size for dried fruits and vegetables is half that of fresh.

Vitamin C is one nutrient that is destroyed by heat. Pretreating food with citrus juice can help increase the vitamin C content of the dried food.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Symbols of U.S. Government: National Floral Emblem - The Rose

The rose, said to be about 35 million years old, has been used as a symbol of love, beauty, war, and politics throughout the world. The flowers are generally red, pink, white, or yellow and grow naturally throughout North America. The rose became the official flower of the United States in 1986.

In October 1985, the Senate passed a resolution that declared the rose as the National Floral Emblem of the United States. Senate Joint Resolution 159 was passed by the House of Representatives on September 23, 1986.

The resolution asked the president to issue a proclamation declaring the rose as the national flower. A proclamation announces an act by the government and does not have the effect of law.

President Reagan signed the resolution on October 7, 1986 in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. On November 20, 1986, President Reagan issued Proclamation 5574: The National Floral Emblem of the United States of America: The Rose.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The depression is a kind of illness which affects the body, mood, and mainly the thoughts. The survey says that there are two times as many women who suffer from depression as men. One can identify that he or she is depressed by seeing the following symptoms like they may feel hopeless, very sad, have no energy or interest in doing anything or feel worthless. Most of the people portray depression as sad feeling or they feel as empty that don’t go away from them. This type of depression which does not go away is termed as clinical depression. Depression is quite different from feeling blue or going down for a few hours or a couple of days.

There are many things that cause depression. Depression can come through or run in families or may be through the changes in your brain chemistry and/or living through painful and also the difficult events in one’s life can cause depression. Sometimes for people who take medications for cancer, heart problems, arthritis and also high blood pressure. Depression can also be caused by some illnesses like stroke, Parkinson's disease and hormonal problems.

It is proved that most of the people get better by taking proper treatment. The depression is a serious illness which needs to be treated immediately. It's not one’s fault that we are depressed, and we can always get better.

The Universe in a Year

The American astronomer Carl Sagan who lived during the period of 1934-96 was the first person who suggested a “cosmic calendar” as a way of helping people to understand the history of the Universe. He placed everything into the scale of a calendar year; the galaxies are formed over nine months and the Earth appears in September. All human history is crowded into the last five minutes of the last day of the year. Recent time has to be divided into seconds and fractions of a second. So everything that happened over the last 475 years place in less than the last second of the last minute of the year.

Iceberg Fact File

An Iceberg (below) is a large piece of ice that has broken away from a glacier or ice shell. Icebergs in the North Atlantic mostly come from glaciers on Greenland, and those in the South Atlantic from the Antarctic.

    1. The word iceberg probably comes from the Dutch ijisberg, or ice hill.
    2. Icebergs float because they are made of fresh water which is less dense than sea water.
    3. Seven-eighths of an iceberg is below the surface of the sea, hence the expression “the tip of the iceberg”, which means that more is concealed than can be seen.
    4. The tallest iceberg ever measured was 168m high. It was seen in 1958 off Greenland and was as tall as a 50-storey skyscraper.
    5. Small icebergs those less than 1m high and 5m wide are known as growlers, because of the noise they make.
    6. Iceberg larger than growlers is called berg bits; then they are graded small, medium, large or very large. Very large icebergs are those measuring more than 35m high and 213m wide.
    7. One of the biggest icebergs of recent times, known as 8-15, broke away from the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, in March 2000. It had an average length of 29.5km and width of 37km, giving it a total area about the size of Jamaica!.
    8. The air trapped in iceberg ice – which is “harvested” and sold for use in drinks – may be as much as 3000 years old.
    9. At least 500 incidents have been recorded of ships striking icebergs. In 1875, the 82 crew members of the schooner Caledonia were rescued after their ship sank ad they spent a night sitting on an iceberg. The worst – ever disaster involving an iceberg happened when the Titanic struck an iceberg on 14 April 1912 and 1,503 lives were lost.
    10. During World War II, Lord Mountbatten led a program devised by British inventor Geoffrey Pyke to build artificial iceberg to use as aircraft carriers, but the projects, codenamed Habbakuk, was abandoned.
    11. About 10,000 to 15,000 new icebergs are formed every year. The process is called “calving”

Want to know about sleep

This is a small bit of note which I read very long back. Its an important part for our life. Every individual seeks, wants and even ready to pay as much as money as required. Ya it’s all about our sleep. Sleep is a temporary state of unconsciousness that restores the Neuro transmitters which are utilized in the course of the day. (Neuro transmitters are chemical messengers used in nervous system for its routine function). In addition, the non-stop organs such as heart and lungs relax during deep sleep and work with ease. That is why the heartbeat respiratory rate and B.P. come down during deep sleep.

Though it depends on the physical and mental activity, normally 6-8 hours of sleep is sufficient for an adult to replace Neuro transmitters.

There are two types of sleep. Deep sleep or dreamless sleep and superficial sleep or dreamful sleep.

In the course of the night, normally we start with deep sleep for about 90 minutes. And this is followed by 20 minutes of superficial sleep and once again there is a repetition of this cycle as long as we sleep. Deep sleep relaxes our body, reduces our basal metabolic rate and refreshes us. The deeper the sleep a person has in the night. The more refreshing he will be on waking up.

Superficial sleep is associated with dreams, rapid eye movement, increase in heart rate, irregular breathing and is not very refreshing.

It also leads to nightmares, teeth grinding and hallucination. A technique such as meditation is very good and exercises help to eliminate superficial sleep and induce deep sleep.

Do not sleep if you are really not sleepy, as superficial sleep has no positive effect on your body. But the most important thing is, we must feel fresh after getting up from sleep. Otherwise the real benefit of sleep is lost!