Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monkey face piglet

At the Fengzhang village, Xiping Township in china people was so curious to see that strange creature. It was hideous. It can also be a miracle that piglets with a monkey face. This strange creature was a new born along with the five newborns of a sow.

The piglet just looked like a monkey. It had two thin lips, small nose and big eyes. The rear legs were much longer than its forelegs. Because of this it jumped and was not able to walk. It was so scary and frightened the people who looked at it. A small loved it the most and played with. He also fed the strange animal with milk.

But the amazing question was that the creature will walk on the ground or will climb the trees as it becomes an adult. The people have planned to observe it closely and to keep track of its changes.


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