Thursday, July 23, 2009

Virus from pig

A virus from the pig that is highly infectious causes swine flu. This virus is communicable and can travel from human to human. When a human is affected by this virus the symptoms are similar to other regular bugs. They are fever, cough, sore throat, body ached, headaches, chills and fatigue. To be preventive or to treat swine flu antiviral medicines are available. But no vaccines have been produced right now to protect against from this bug. But researches are going on. So to be careful from this kind of bugs we should restrict ourselves to the following things.

When you sneeze or cough cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. Avoid using hanky or any type of cloth since you may keep them in your hand for a long time. So use only tissue and throw it in the litter after use.

Wash your hands with soap and water after you cough or sneeze. This prevents the spread of germs when you touch others or some place. Alcohol based hand cleaners can also be used.

Avoid frequent touch of your nose, eyes, or mouth, because germs spread this way. Close contact with the sick people should be avoided; it is good for us and for them. Stay in the home when you feel sick. This is highly recommended because you feel much better in home than anywhere else.

All the best! Live a happy and healthy life…


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