Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Six ways to prevent poultry and bird diseases

  1. Keep your distance:

    1. Restrict access to your property and your birds.

    2. Consider fencing off the areas where you keep your birds and make a barrier area if possible. Allow only people who take care of your birds to come into contact with them.

    3. If visitors have birds of their own, do not let them near your birds.

    4. Game birds and migratory waterfowl should not have contact with your flock because they carry germs and diseases.

  2. Keep it clean

    1. Wear clean clothes. Scrub your shoes with disinfectant.

    2. Wash your hands thoroughly before entering your bird area

    3. Clean cages and change food and water daily.

    4. Clean and disinfect equipment that comes in contact with your birds or their droppings, including cages and tools.

    5. Remove manure before disinfecting.

    6. Properly dispose of dead birds.

  3. Don’t Haul Disease Home:

    1. If you have been near other bird owners, such as at a feed store, pet store or bird club meeting, clean and disinfect your clothing, shoes, and other bird items, and clean and disinfect car and truck tires, poultry cages and equipment before going home.

    2. Have your birds been to a fair or exhibition? If so, keep them separated from the rest of your flock for atleast two weeks from the event.

    3. When buying a pet, request certification from the bird seller that the bird was legally imported and was healthy prior to to shipment.

  4. Don’t borrow disease from your neighbor:

    1. Do not share lawn and garden equipment, tools, or poultry supplies with your neighbors or other bird owners.

    2. If you do bring these items home, clean and disinfect them before they reach your property.

    3. Avoid visiting terms or households with poultry, particularly if the birds are housed outside.

  5. Know the warning signs of infectious bird diseases:

    1. Sudden increase in bird deaths in your flock.

    2. Sneezing, gasping for air, coughing, and nasal discharge.

    3. Watery and green diarrhea.

    4. Lack of energy and poor appetite.

    5. Drop in egg production or soft or thin shelled misshapen eggs.

    6. Swelling around the eyes, neck and head.

    7. Purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs.


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