Saturday, August 29, 2009

Poor communication speaker

If your speech is full of ums, ers and ahs and feeling ashamed of it. And do you think that this behavior of yours make the listeners mad. Don’t feel dishearten this behavior of yours make you the memorable speaker says the latest scientific research.

This behavior is often described as a poor communication. This disfluency slows down our speech making the listener to better understand and pay more attention.

Stirling and Edinburgh university scientists invited volunteers to listen to a number of statements that include disfluencies sentences. And the scientist conducted a series of test to find out how well the volunteers have understood the statements.

It twisted out that the ers inserted into the sentences had a momentous effect on the knack of the subjects to remember the information. After hearing typical sentences with inserted disfluencies, the volunteers got 62 per cent of words correct compared to 55 per cent for sentences with no trip over.

The disfluency becomes a useful break to the expected practice of things says Dr. Martin Corley. He also said that “It’s better to pay attention now, because what I expected was going to happen is in fact not going to happen” this is same as if we are saying to ourselves.

Till now politicians, broadcasters, lawyers and other speakers try to avoid this type of disfluencies from their speech. But now they might find that their ums may be judged as a part of clear communication.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New rodent eating plant

The British botanists in Philippines discovered a carnivorous plant. This plant eats rats and insects. This meat eating plant was discovered in Mount Victoria and is named as Nepenthes attenboroughii.

To catch the insects and rodents the plant produces traps. And also has acid filled digestive enzymes to dissolve its prey.

The discoverers believe that only few hundred of the plants exist in the world.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Animated china expo

Mona Lisa is a 16th century portrayal painted in oil on a poplar section by Leonardo Vinci during the Italian resurgence. The 'Mona Lisa,' Vinci's portrayal of a woman, is largely livelier these days. In Beijing, she talks and impression to visitors, but as soon as it comes to that smile, her lips are still sealed.

An innovative show signs of at the development Exhibition Hall in Beijing, China take archetypal works of art and animates those using 3-D graphics and sound-recognition knowledge. The 'Mona Lisa' is not the only fixation imminent to life inside these frames. The show sign includes with Jesus and his disciples interacting at the famous table, Raphael's 'School of Athens,' and smooth an earliest Egyptian wall painting.

While art critics might claim Leonardo is rolling over in his grave, there is something exciting about seeing these works come to life. Besides, the exhibit is in an expo hall.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

H1N1 virus

H1N1 flu is a respiratory disease caused by the type A virus in the pig. This is also known as swine flu. This was first diagnosed in April 2009. It is named as swine flu because many genes in this virus are same as the pig influenza virus.


The symptoms for this flu are listed below. If you find any one of them has affected immediately consult a doctor.

3.runny nose or stuffy nose
4.sore throat
5.body aches
8.fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme
9.diarrhea and vomiting

serious symptoms of this disease are respiratory failure and inflammation of the lungs.

With ordinary flu babies and elderly people, and people suffering from chronic medical problems are at a high risk. But in the case of swine flu this is little different. Pregnant women, people suffering from chronic health problems (lung disease, asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease), children and adults suffering from obesity are at a high risk.

The following are the serious swine flu symptoms that a child can suffer. If you find your child suffering from this immediately avoid your children contact with other people and take them for urgent treatment.

  • Fast breathing or trouble breathing

  • Bluish or gray skin color

  • Not drinking enough fluids

  • Severe or constant vomiting

  • Not waking up and not interacting

  • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return again

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 6th and 9th

Remember the atomic bomb blast on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the 2nd world war (1945). It was 65 years ago this heartless attack was made on the innocent people of those two countries. Those bombs were dropped by the US armed forces at the end of the Second World War. The united planned the first bomb drop on Hiroshima and the second was planned on the Nagasaki city. In these two attacks the human race met a great decrease in the population. Around 220000 citizens of both countries were killed.

The effects of the nuclear weapon still prevail in the lands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Lands lost their fertility and the humans are affected by many diseases. So every year these two days are remembered to highlight the necessity of achieving the world that is free from nuclear weapons.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monkey face piglet

At the Fengzhang village, Xiping Township in china people was so curious to see that strange creature. It was hideous. It can also be a miracle that piglets with a monkey face. This strange creature was a new born along with the five newborns of a sow.

The piglet just looked like a monkey. It had two thin lips, small nose and big eyes. The rear legs were much longer than its forelegs. Because of this it jumped and was not able to walk. It was so scary and frightened the people who looked at it. A small loved it the most and played with. He also fed the strange animal with milk.

But the amazing question was that the creature will walk on the ground or will climb the trees as it becomes an adult. The people have planned to observe it closely and to keep track of its changes.